The Return - Beatles Tribute - Holly Theatre, Dahlonega, Sat 8/23/08
To celebrate Mimae's 60th!
with Sidney
and Sara.
The music was terrific and we had a blast. The highlight of the evening for me at least was probably before the show, when Julianne was dancing on the sidewalk right outside the box office and telling people that she was from South America...the lowpoint was having to pick up said show-off off the bottom step leading to the stage in the middle of the show.
August 25, 2008
Beatles: The Return concert
Posted by Nicole at 8/25/2008 10:48:00 AM
Around the House
In a new outfit from Nannie Barbara that is one of mom's favorites.
Going off to pre-K every weekday now
Ballet & Tap classes to start soon, so she's trying on her leotard and tights.
We love this new alphabet frog, who spits out A-B-C disks when you press the button on his back.
Posted by Nicole at 8/25/2008 10:32:00 AM
August 11, 2008
First Day of Pre-K
Leaving for her first day of pre-K with Nannie Barbara!
Warming right up to her new teacher, Miss Michelle, on open house day last Friday.
The coolest backpack.
Lined up with a dozen of her classmates, anxiously waiting for the door to open on their first school year. Her teacher chose her on the first day to be Line Leader!
Posted by Nicole at 8/11/2008 05:21:00 PM
End of Summer
Splashing Nannie Barbara in the yard
"Julianne's Papa" loves taking his girls (Julianne and Sasha) to Ace Hardware on weekends!
Last day as a preschooler in Miss Vicky's class.
Lower left corner: her favorite writing spider, who lives in our muscadine grapevine. Maddie has one at her new house too. Writing spiders bring good luck.
Posted by Nicole at 8/11/2008 05:13:00 PM