Height (36 inches) and weight (26.5 pounds) are in the lowest percentile, and Julianne's new pediatrician is concerned, just as her last one was. Mom explains that it is likely caused by inherited osteogenesis imperfecta, a genetic disease in which insufficient collagen causes brittle bones, and which in our family is characterized by short stature and blue sclerae.
Julianne's chance of having inherited it from Mom is fifty-fifty. The doctor's office will find out if the expensive genetic test will be covered by our medical insurance. Mom doubts it, since there is no treatment available in any case, and not much to do except avoid contact sports and other activities that involve the risk of traumatic impact.
The new high-tech hearing test is a little weird, but anyway Julianne passed with flying colors! However, testing her vision with the symbol eye chart (stars, hearts) suggests that she may be nearsighted. Time for a referral to a pediatric ophthalmologist. I'm getting HOW MANY separate shots today?? FIVE?!
No more injections (except yearly flu shots) till I'm eleven? Can I have that in writing?
April 30, 2008
Annual Health Checkup
Posted by Nicole at 4/30/2008 10:34:00 PM