June 29, 2008

Randy's Birthday

Happy birthday, Randy! We had a great afternoon with Randy, Johnny and Bonny to celebrate. Here is Randy helping Julianne learn how to bowl.
Johnny helped her a lot too. Those guys were awesome teachers!
This bowling-ball ramp, and bumpers that covered up the gutters, helped Julianne to knock down a lot of pins. She even had one strike!
After dinner at Zaxby's and going out for the movie WALL-E, we saw this rainbow on the way home. WALL-E was terrific and Julianne watched the whole way through. It was funny and entertaining, while delivering a serious message about our culture of consumption, kind of like Over the Hedge.

June 28, 2008

Baby Shower for ♥J™

Mom-to-be Jessica was radiant
Kathi and sisters

Kathi♥ can't wait for Keegan to get here.
Erica & Daniel (thanks for the pics, Miss Boss Ladie!)

June 27, 2008

Backyard Splashing Again

Julianne, Maddie and Kensley

June 26, 2008

Summer is Baseball Season

The windup
The pitch
The swing

Thanks Tori for catching (many of these great images)! T.FR3$H +1UP!

CLICK HERE to view/order these summer pool pics at Snapfish.

June 15, 2008

Chuck E. Cheese

The fun police

Nicole& Shaelynn
He's SO cute...

Tori & Lela

Where A Kid Can Be A Kid

It just doesn't get any better.
Mmmmm, pizza!
Earlier in the day, chilling with Mimae

June 08, 2008

More Summer Fun

Thanks to Madison's mommy Renee for sharing these great pics!

June 07, 2008

Getting Her Swim On

I think we've been every day this week... the water is officially PERFECT!

The other night when two (very nice!) little boys dared to invade their aquatic domain, Julianne and Madison took to shouting in unison, "GIRLS ARE NICE! GIRLS ARE NICE!"

Splashing in the Yard

Last weekend with best friend Madison.

Healthy Teeth

My dentist's office has the coolest waiting room, with video games, 3D wildlife murals on all the walls, and a real Noah's ark to play in.
They are very gentle and I wasn't scared. They X-rayed all my teeth, brushed them with strawberry flavored fluoride, and then gave me a Little Mermaid toothbrush to take home. Good news: that one tooth that turned dark after a trauma at school last fall has since gotten lighter again and is almost as white as the others, so it looks like it is healthy again without intervention.